Friday, August 15, 2008

Interior design is fashion, too!

Many regrets for not posting in about a week. I blame the Olympics, and getting things ready to move into my apartment, which brings me to the topic of this post.

Pretty much every year of a student's academic career comes with new and exciting things. Senior year and prom, freshman year of college and dorm stuff. I come to the sophomore year of college and shopping for apartment wares. And if target didn't already have enough fabulousness to offer (hello, the GO International collection, Isaac Mizrahi, and others), Sami Hayek has a small, but really exciting line from lamps to linens to picture frames and shelves. I indulged in a few (like some shelves and a lamp - nothing terribly exciting, but a notch above practical).

I also channeled Martha Stewart when I made my own picture frames to decorate my walls. Plain, solid colored frames in a variety of sizes are two for some really low price, you feel like you should be casing the place. But with a bunch of extra sorority car decals, the frames were decorated to match other aspects of the room.

The point of all of this is, that even with something as mundane as dolling up an apartment, it can be made to fit an individual style. Sort of like DIY jeans and cardigans, but for your space. It's nice, and works just as well as retail therapy.

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