I thought last summer working at BlackBook I had come across some of the most pointed and witty writing there was to be consumed. Au contraire. Read the following article on the New York Times Fashion and Style page "Choose a Shoe, Any Shoe, and Hold On."
Cintra Wilson covers the Barneys New York shoe sale with a wit and candor that is often hard to find. She turns a shoe floor into a war zone. I'm pretty sure an armed forces vet would rather be back in the field than caught in the middle of the scene Wilson describes. But alas, not all men could be so lucky. Here is an excerpt of the article about husband who should have just stayed home:
"Husbands were few. Most know better than to get caught in this frenzy. I did catch one luckless wretch, wholly abandoned, sitting in the middle of a blast zone of discards. In a daze, he fingered a strappy orange Givenchy platform lying next to him, tipped it over to squint at the price, then shook his head in existential bewilderment, as if this, finally, was the cracking point of his spirit."
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