Monday, December 22, 2008

Mi vie en vogue....

This is a completely self-serving post bearing only one question: has anyone had trouble trying to renew their subscription to Vogue recently? I got mine as a Christmas gift a while back and I've had difficulty figuring out what's going on over in Conde Nast circulation because I only just today got my Jan 2009 copy (bummer, I know!)... anyhoo let me know if you have any idea what's up.

Speaking of the Jan 2009 Vogue, I was really antsy waiting for it (just ask my mom... it's one of the only things I've talked about since being home) because Anne Hathaway is the cover girl! I love her and have followed her career since her Princess Mia days. I am thrilled that she is doing so well and can't wait to read the articles (family is in town, thus delaying some of my mag reading). I also think the cover with the word "Change" plastered on Anne's chest is pretty amazing, a total double entendre, due to her life post-beau and how she has upheld herself throughout everything. I'll just consider this my Christmas gift from both of the Wintour and Hathaway - the gods at Vogue have given me a wonderful present.

Oh and the new Modern Bride features both Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson because of the impending release of their film Bride Wars. I love it when magazines get things right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of Anne Hathaway too. I love her classic beauty and sense of style. I'm thinking about stealing her recent bobbed hairstyle too. It's so versatile. I loved her in The Devil Wears Prada. I could watch that movie all day any day and be in heaven.


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