Gladiators are one of this summer’s trends, just like the maxi dress and tie-dye (apparently), but there are some trends that don’t translate from gender to gender, and some that do. And I must say (after a lot of thought), this is a trend that can work for both men and women. With the right hardwares – like this pair – gladiators can be butch enough for a guy or trendy enough for a girl. However, not every shoe can make the gender jump as easily. Like wedges.

I know every other person has a different opinion about this, but I just can’t get my mind around man wedges. Earlier this summer at the menswear shows Fendi introduced these red, patent man wedges. And I don’t think wedges can be masculine. Gladiators yes, wedges no.
Although I'd like to think anyone can wear anything, you may have a point here. But, I do also think the shoe would look differently if it weren't pictured with peddle pushers also. But, I really like those shoes and would totally wear them to work.
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Thank you very much for leaving your comment on my blog and telling me about your blog. Hope all is well with you.
Currently I have been re-organizing my links and am not looking into taking on more. But I will keep you posted if I plan to expand my blogroll. I will definitely check out your site constantly to stay updated with your latest posts.
Thank you again, and have a good weekend.
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